
SBGE student in front of 麦肯纳大厅 in Spring
就在西雅图市中心的北边, SPU's 商学院,政府, 和经济学 is strategically located 和 ready to help you pursue your calling to make a difference in our world.

Welcome to the 商学院,政府, 和经济学 at 好的赌博软件推荐

The 商学院,政府, 和经济学 (SBGE) at SPU is anchored at the crossroads of commerce 公民社会, offering exceptional academic programs with supporting co-curricular opportunities that enrich your educational experience 和 further our mission to advance human flourishing.

Guided by our high quality faculty, we combine personal attention to our students, which is distinctive of a liberal arts college, with the vast array of resources 和 possibilities afforded by our location in 西雅图 on the Pacific Rim.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件的 Christian world view informs our focused emphasis on ethical practices 和 drives our efforts to serve others.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件的 AACSB 认证 研究生课程 in 业务 和 information systems offer convenience without sacrificing quality.
  • 广泛的 本科专业和辅修专业 in Accounting 和 Business Administration (both AACSB 认证), 经济学, 全球发展, 和 Political Science prepare our students with the 21st century competencies needed to make positive contributions throughout their lives.
  • 以任务为中心的中心,如赌博十大靠谱软件的 诚信商业中心应用学习中心 demonstrate our ongoing commitment to ethics 和 real-world experience that are especially distinctive of our school. 赌博十大靠谱软件作为国家的积极参与 PRME“冠军” 是赌博十大靠谱软件关注的另一个例子吗.
  • As the commercial 和 industrial heart of the Pacific Northwest, 西雅图 和 the Puget Sound region afford our students countless opportunities for internships, 网络, 和 service while also drawing upon the resources 和 support of hundreds of area professionals from 政府, 业务, 和 industry who partner to support our students.
赌博十大靠谱软件的 dedicated faculty 和 staff are passionate about our mission 和 are here to serve you with professionalism 和 personal attention, helping you develop the knowledge, 技能, 和 experience needed to reach your goals 和 live out your calling.  

We see great synergy in leveraging our suite of programs for the common good, partnering with appropriate institutional structures, 和 developing solutions for secure livelihoods 和 dignity for all.   Take advantage of what SBGE has to offer 和 prepare yourself for an interdisciplinary, 复杂的, 和 globally interconnected world. We invite you to join us to build a foundation for a life of meaningful service.


SBGE院长罗斯·斯图尔特Dr. Ross Stewart is the sixth dean of the SPU 商学院,政府, 和经济学, 成立于1977年.   

Dr. 斯图尔特对SPU并不陌生.  新西兰人新西兰人, 罗斯于1986年来到好的赌博软件推荐, after completing his PhD in Accounting at the University of Glasgow in Scotl和. Dr. Stewart has also earned a Masters of Theological Studies from Regent College 和 a Masters 和 Bachelors of Commerce from the University of Auckl和. He has been a Chartered Accountant (New Zeal和) since 1980.

30多年来,Dr. Stewart has served the SPU community 和 SBGE in a variety of leadership positions, including his recent service as the co-champion of the SPU Global Initiative. He has been the recipient of numerous awards, held the position as Joseph C. Hope Professor of Leadership 和 Ethics, 和 was named in 2009 the SPU Faculty Teacher of the Year. 2012年,Dr。. Stewart also served as a Fulbright Scholar at Daystar University in Kenya. 

博士访问. 斯图尔特的 教师简介.


Deeply grounded in Christian faith 和 values, we develop leaders who advance human flourishing through service in 业务, 政府, 公民社会.

“The 商学院,政府, 和经济学 at SPU is distinguished by its dedication to mission 和 vision.”

Business on Purpose with 乔安的原因

“So many people see 业务 as the problem. This is an invitation for 业务es to be part of the solution in how they innovate; how they care for customers; how they care for employees; 和 how they care for their communities.”